Malevolent Maine
Malevolent Maine
Episode 61: The Meat Suit Men
Welcome to Season 4! We get back to basics - investigating all the truly terrifying things hiding in the state of Maine. This episode we investigate the Meat Suit Men, the mysterious men-in-black type beings who seem to show up whenever the paranormal is involved. Who are they? Who do they work for? What do they want?
Content Warning: demonic forces, strange music/noises, physical manifestations, physical decay/body horror, black magic, evil entities, witchcraft, conspiracies, shadowy beings, physical violence, mutilation
Host: Chris Estes
Writer: Chris Estes
Senior Investigator: Lucas Knight
Senior Investigator: Tom Wilson
Senior Investigator: Mark Mercier
Senior Investigator: Megan Meadows
Sound Design: Chris Estes
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Malevolent Maine
Episode 61: The Meat Suit Men
Malevolent Maine is a horror podcast, and may contain material not suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised.
We’re back and ready for season 4. We’re looking to get back to basics and bring you a new and exciting story every two weeks. Here’s what we’ve got coming up: A cemetery where the deceased don’t always stay dead and buried. A market set up for only the most…eclectic shoppers. And a drowned town where not everyone got out in time.
Hey everyone, it’s your host, Chris. We’re back and ready for a bunch of brand new investigations. We hope you had a good off season. We didn’t get as much rest as we needed, but we’re ready to dive back into the odd and the strange. Over on Patreon we just finished Megan’s Crash Course side story and we’re getting ready to wrap up Cardinal Sins, our year-long investigation into the HBCC. Plus, we’ll be launching a brand new sidestory in the near future. Also on Patreon available to all of our Malevolent Mob Members are our extended and deleted scenes - a little bonus 2 minutes of material we ended up cutting on the editing floor. Follow us on social media, buy some gear from our merch store, and keep listening. Remember, if you have a story that defies explanation and keeps you up at night, make sure to send it along to us. Remember, we believe you. Thanks and enjoy!
The man steps out of the white car in tight, jerky movements. His face is obscured by dark sunglasses that hide that most human characteristic - the eyes - completely. In a stiff clipped gait, he crosses towards you, as he does several thick scars become visible around his wrists and across his cheek. He walks towards you an aura of menace in his silent steps. Who…or more accurately…what has come looking for and what could they possibly want?
This is Malevolent Maine.
It’s good to see you again, MMers. It’s been awhile since we talked. Our story today concerns the shadowy group of agents colloquially known as the Meat Suit Men, the mysterious men who prowl the outskirts of the paranormal community. Before we get into that though, we should do a quick recap of where everyone is at after the traumatic events of last season.
As many of you will recall, two years ago, we were looking into an increase in witchcraft activities in the area, specifically into Five Covens that were each conducting empowering rituals, meant to summon and channel mystical energy into five skull totems. We learned, nearly too late, that they were preparing these skulls to use in a sixth and final ritual - the Ritual of Blood - which was designed to summon the Mother Witch, an ancient and powerful evil entity back to our plane of existence.
Our newest investigator at the time, Mark, disrupted the spell at the last minute, though it had a disastrous effect. Mark was infected with the spirit of the MOther Witch and teleported across the country. For the better part of last year we were actively trying to find Mark who began sending us recordings of himself as the Mother Witch slowly began consuming his soul.
At the same time, a woman named Katie Clark who went missing after our season 1 interview with her suddenly returned and kicked off a year long investigation into the so-called King Beyond the Desert, a Viking sorcerer who had used black magic to extend his life in an attempt to enslave the world.
As the King first gathered his Hierophants, powerful supernatural lieutenants disruptive enough in their own rights, then assembled a small army of followers, we began learning the truth of the King and his history.
After we were able to bring Mark home, we found ourselves at the mercy of Katie Clark, now transformed into the King’s final Hierophant, the Virulent Muse, who was attempting to play a special song or note that would serve as a key to unlock a portal between our world and the desert plane of existence where he was trapped. We were too late to stop her and as the final note was struck, and the King Beyond the Desert returned, the Mother Witch used the confusion to come forward in an attempt to regain the power she sought.
With the help of a magical artifact, and perhaps some divine intervention, Mark was able to channel the Mother Witch out of his body, firing her like a bullet at the King Beyond the Desert. The two immense powers destroyed each other in a cataclysmic psychic battle that left the five of us the only ones left standing amongst a sea of ash in an apple orchard.
I’m going to introduce each member of the team and let them give you a brief update on what they’ve been doing since last fall.
First up is Lucas, our local expert on the occult and black magic. He’s our rock and our scholar.
LUCAS: We decided to take some time off after our encounter with the King Beyond the Desert. It wasn’t long before I was pulled back in, however. As many of you know, I've been studying an esoteric order known as the Hermetic Brotherhood of the Cardinal Court, a group of blood magic users who have been operating in the shadows of Maine for over a hundred years. I’ve been slowly working to translate their Black Book, which I managed to acquire on a separate investigation. The going has been slow, but I believe I’ve finally started to make some serious progress. I think I’m close to being able to reveal what I know soon.
Alright, thanks Lucas. Next up is Tom, the other founding member of Malevolent Maine. Tom’s our cryptid and alien expert. Plus, he’s the more…adventurous member of the team, always ready to rush into whatever situation we find ourselves in.
TOM: Hey everyone. It’s been a while. Since we last talked, I’ve been busy. After we got Mark back…and everything in the orchard…I took some time off. I went to Vermont for a few weeks. Caught up on some reading. Visited some friends. But I’ve heard about this video going around online about something they’re calling the Deer Boy, so… yeah. More to come.
Megan joined us in our first season. We didn’t really know what we were doing with this podcast. We knew ghosts, boogeymen, and all manner of creatures of the night, but we didn’t know much about equalizing, multi track recordings, and advanced audio editing. Megan was our all in one audio guru - helping to produce and edit our shows. Since she joined, she’s become a more integral member of the team and we’re happy to announce she’s joined the team as a full time investigator. Megan?
MEGAN: Yeah. Hey. So all of this stuff was a little new to me, but after last year… The King, the Mother Witch, all of it - I got a real crash course in the paranormal. So I’m good to go. I’ve been reading up on the Stymwood Cemetery, the Bleeding Stair, Flagstaff. I’m ready to get out there.
The final member of our team is Mark. As many of you know, Mark joined us as an intern during Season 1. He quickly became an essential part of our team and soon became an investigator. Mark has been recovering from his ordeal over the last year, and he’ll provide a much needed update.
MARK: Right. So after everything, I felt…extremely tired. Drained, really. Between everything with the Mother Witch…then that final confrontation. I… well… just needed some time to be me. I spent the holidays with my parents, I called some old friends, but really…I just sort of hung around. I… I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this, but…to be honest, I’m a little nervous about all of this. It’s hard to believe she’s really gone. The Mother Witch I mean. It’s like…it’s like I can’t help but feel she’s hiding somewhere in my head. That one morning I’m going to wake up and the bed will be covered in frogs or there will be blood on my hands. I… I’m fine. I’m fine, really. I know that. I just…I can’t help it.
Finally, I’m Chris. I’m your host. I’ve been investigating the dark corners of the state of Maine for years now. From a young age I was fascinated by ghost stories and monsters. Now, along with the rest of the team, I hunt down the truth behind these stories, to shed a light on the things that prefer the darkness.
After last year’s wildness, we’ve decided to get back to basics here at Malevolent Maine. We’re dedicated to bringing you twenty new stories of the odd and the strange. We’ve saved some of Maine’s most disturbing stories for this season, plus a few new mysteries that have sprung up in the past year.
What better place to start than where we left off last year. After the confrontation that destroyed both the King Beyond the Desert and the Mother Witch, we found ourselves quickly surrounded by a squadron of government-official looking men, who are often referred to as the Meat Suit Men.
We’ll get to exactly who these people are in a minute, but we want to clear up some things left over from last fall.
Everyone but the five of us were gone. The Crimson Valley Apple Orchard was full of people at the time the Black Door opened and the King Beyond the Desert emerged. Most, if not all, of these people were his followers, those who had pledged their allegiance to him and the new world he was attempting to build. When the Mother Witch and the King destroyed one another in a massive wave of magical energy these people - many of whom seemed to be rotting or being drained of their life force - vanished. We believe they were consumed by the magical power of the King, and when he died, so too did his followers.
We stood in the open air, ash, some sort of remnant from the battle, falling around us. It took only seconds for the first white car to arrive. It was a newer model SUV. It flew into the parking lot, weaving around other parked cars. It crossed over the lawn and came to a stop just a few feet from us. In moments it was joined by other white vehicles - other SUVs, sedans, one truck, though it was a smaller model.
All of the vehicles were unmarked. They all had Maine license plates except for a few which had nearby New Hampshire ones. One by one the occupants of the car got out. The Men in Black had arrived.
As we discussed a little last season, the idea of literal men in black suits is not a new one. They gained prominence in the late 1940s and early 50s, often associated with the growing number of UFO sightings. These men were widely assumed to be agents of the United States government looking to keep quiet the truth of alien visitors.
Many associate this rise in sightings to be connected to the popularity in UFOs and aliens after the Roswell crash of 1947, but careful looking will reveal that shadowy agents have been around much, much longer. It may just be that the rise in communication technology led to a great understanding of these so-called men in black.
There are several different groups like this. Some are quite well known and their origins are easily verified. In nearly all of these cases, there are no ties to the government at all. These are usually private groups who either seek out the paranormal for personal collections or have a desired purpose - to contact extraterrestrials, to summon a particular netherworldly force, etc.
Then there’s the Meat Suit Men.
That’s now their official name, of course, but it is what a small, but dedicated online group of investigators have come to call this clandestine group.
There are reports of the Meat Suit Men appearing as far back as the 1600s, though there are some indications they have been around for much, much longer.
We don’t want to rehash what we already covered last season, but as a quick recap, the Meat Suit Men appear at the scenes of paranormal incidents. They wear black suits and mirrored sunglasses. They look nondescript, with very few defining features. Until our encounter in the apple orchard, we weren’t sure there were more than a few of these agents. Their movements appear slightly stiff, as if they’re moving in thick, restrictive clothing. Their speech is stilted, clipped, as if not only English, but all language is a foreign thing to them.
Their most defining feature is that every single one of them has prominent scars running all over their visible skin - hands and faces. These scars look more like seams, like the skin has been stitched together to create a human-looking suit that they wear to disguise their true identities.
TOM: We can unequivocally state that the Meat Suit Men are real, not some urban legend passed down from generation to generation. We met them in the orchard, spoke with several of them. They questioned us thoroughly about the events of that day before letting us go. But that wasn’t the last we’ve seen of them.
Tom is right. Up close, in the light of day, they really did look like some sort of humanoid creature masquerading as men. Their scars, many of which ran across their faces, around their necks, in between fingers and circling wrists looked more like thick seams, the kind you might see on a pair of jeans.
They “look” human, in the barest, most minimal sense of the word. They walk, talk, move in human-like ways, but it’s clear that they are something else.
They questioned us about the King Beyond the Desert and his followers. They asked for names and descriptions of people we saw that day at the orchard. They asked about the Hierophants, about the Black Door, and what we saw in the aftermath. And of course, they asked about Mark and the Mother Witch.
MARK: I don’t know how they knew all about this. I guess they could have listened to the podcast, but…from what I remember, they seemed more knowledgeable than we were. Like they knew way more than they were letting on.
In the months since, we’ve had semi-regular encounters with the Meat Suit Men. Sometimes an agent shows up at our office. Other times we receive phone calls like this one:
MEAT SUIT MAN: We are calling…to check up…with your…situation. Is everything…still… functioning as expected?
These conversations are usually brief. To date they haven’t asked for any of the myriad of artifacts we have collected over the years, nor have they attempted to censor our show in any way. They appear to be keeping tabs on us. They ask lots of questions about Mark and the Mother Witch: “When was the last time you saw any signs of the Mother Witch? How many fingers does Mark have on each hand? Did the Mother Witch ever say anything about where she had been prior?”
Oftentimes the questions don’t make sense to us. Again, the Meat Suit Men seem to have knowledge that we aren’t privy to. They never remove their sunglasses and always arrive in their plain white cars. They look around for a little bit, ask their questions, and leave. They never give names, nor any sort of insignia or identification. When we ask for their names or who they work for, they simply ignore the question and resume their own.
So what exactly are the Meat Suit Men?
MEGAN: Aliens. I think they’re aliens. They have to be, right?
TOM: Some people think they’re regular people. The organization they work for did something to them, some process to maximize their sensitivity to the paranormal. It did something to their physical appearance, made them horrific. So now they wear the skin of others to hide their ghastly appearance.
Others think they are ghosts or spirits. In life they bound their souls to the paranormal and now in death must mimic the life they once had while seeking an escape from their eternal damnation.
The list goes on and on.
One thing for sure is that they’re not official agents of any government organization.
MARK: We contacted several branches of the US government, including the office of the Secretary of Defense, the head of the CIA and FBI asking for confirmation that the Meat Suit Men were federal employees. We received back one letter, on behalf of all our requests simply stating that “while the government is aware of the phenomenon which you refer to as the ‘Meat Suit Men’ we are unable to comment on their veracity. At this time there is no proof that these so-called agents exist or are in any way affiliated with the government of the United States of America.”
Except, of course, there is proof they exist. We met them. We’ve heard stories about them over the past decades, even centuries. They are real. They are organized and efficient, and if they’re not working for the government, then who exactly are they working for?
In 1999, on the cusp of the new millenia, Tracy and Evan Levine, a forty year old married couple, claimed to have discovered a book of particularly potent black spells while cleaning out Tracy’s grandfather’s home. The book struck Evan blind when he touched it, and he spoke in tongues for the next hour. Eventually, after three days the blindness wore off, but over two hundred birds were found dead on the property the following morning.
The Levines called 911, they claimed that before the first responders showed up, a white Mazda pulled into their driveway and two men got out and lurched up to the front porch. Here’s Lucas reading a passage from an interview they gave with Clairvoyance, a magazine from the 90s that focused on paranormal encounters.
LUCAS: “There were two of them. Men. Tall men,” Tracy Levine said. “They wore black suits and sunglasses so we couldn’t see their eyes. They asked if they could come in and I let them. Evan was still speaking funny, but he was mostly calm. Any time he tried to speak though, it came out all garbled and crazy sounding. The men spoke slowly to us. We sat on the couch and they stood over us. They asked about the book - where it was, what it looked like, how long we had known it was here. In the end they asked if they could take the book and we agreed right away. I didn’t want to be left alone with it for another minute. They told me to mix two teaspoons of salt into a glass of water and have Evan drink it. Then one of them went down to the basement. I saw him walking back to their car with a black bag. He must have put the book in it. The other one told me it would be best to forget about all of this. That we should go on with our lives as best we could and put it all behind us. Then he left.”
But stories of the Meat Suit Men aren’t always so benign. In 2013, Oliver Moore of Suffolk, Virginia claimed his brother had been killed by the black suit wearing agents.
“Sebastion claimed he had taken part in an occult ritual to send a demon to kill the president,” Moore posted to a popular online paranormal forum. “When he wouldn’t shut up about it, these Frankenstein looking guys showed up and silenced him…for good.”
While on the surface, this sounds like a perfectly good urban legend designed to be spread virally through social media, there does appear to be some veracity to his story. A group of witches and warlocks did come forward and admit that Sebastian Moore had joined them for a two-day long intense session, though they declined to say the purpose.
Oliver did provide two different voicemails his brother had left him in the days before he mysteriously disappeared. In both of them he talked about “the scarred men in suits” coming to talk with him, telling him to keep his stories of a supernatural assassination attempt to himself. In the second message he said the men, who we presume were Meat Suit Men, followed him home from work, shoved him up against his car and warned him to keep his mouth shut.
Oliver Moore would go on to say that three days later his brother disappeared. No signs of him were ever found, nor was there any indication he left town. The police found no evidence of foul play, but Oliver believed the Meat Suit Men had grown sick of his brother’s wagging tongue and murdered him to keep him quiet.
MEGAN: And in 1985 there’s a story of the Springer brothers, Peter and Kevin, who claimed a group of four Meat Suit Men beat them so badly they required medical attention after they took pictures of what they claimed to be an actual angel in the middle of the Arizona desert.
To be clear, the Meat Suit Men never once threatened us that day in the orchard or in the months since. They have not tried to silence us in any way. Their appearance is disarming and there is a quiet menace to their presence, but we have experienced no physical harm, nor even threats of violence. But it’s clear that the Meat Suit Men are not afraid to get dirty in their pursuit.
What exactly they are after is hard to say. In some cases they confiscate paranormal artifacts. In our story from last season, they took the alien wreckage the Phillips family claimed to have recovered. In the aftermath of the King Beyond the Desert’s defeat, we noticed a crew of them carefully collecting multiple samples of the ash that fell from the sky.
In other stories they seemingly want to keep the truth about the things outside “normal” human knowledge from getting out. They intimidate and threaten the people with knowledge into silence.
And yet… they let us go. They didn’t warn us not to talk about what happened that day. And we haven’t shied away from telling our truth. So far there have been no repercussions.
Whatever they are after, or perhaps, whatever they are trying to keep hidden is more complex than we can figure out. It’s frustrating to have over two hundred eye witness accounts at our disposal, some going back even before we were born, and yet be unable to find any discernible pattern to their behavior.
For every story like Oliver Moore’s brother, there’s an equal number of those like the Levines, where the Meat Suit Men actually appeared to help.
Then there’s the story of Derrick Kingsbury. Kingsbury claimed that in 2022 he was visited by a Meat Suit Man after he purchased an old radio from a pawn shop outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Kingsbury said he collected old radios and record players and the one from the pawn shop appeared to be an Air King Vacuum Tube wooden radio from the 1930s. The pawn shop owner warned him that the radio didn’t work, but Kingsbury didn’t care. He bought it for $45 and brought it home, hoping to maybe restore it some day.
That night he fiddled with the knobs and controls, seeing what was in good working order and what wasn’t, when suddenly the radio crackled to life. Kingsbury was shocked and began trying to tune it to a local station, but instead of the classic rock hits of the 60s, 70s, and 80s, or even the scratchy static, Kingsbury claimed he heard strange tones, not quite music, interspersed with strange whispers in a foreign tongue.
Kingsbury claimed that no matter what station he tuned to he heard the same sounds, weird series of notes, like half of a song played backwards, and that indecipherable whispering. He said he quickly shut off the radio and went to bed.
The next night though, he tried again. Again he got the same eerie sounds. That night, Kingsbury said, he listened for four hours, hoping to make some sense of the noise. He claims there was no pattern to the sound and that try as he might he couldn’t make out any of the words the hushed voices whispered. It was after midnight by the time he finally gave up, and he said he was shocked by how much time had flown by.
We spoke with Kingsbury about this on Zoom, and he admitted his loss of time, coupled with the weird alien language scared him more than a little. He told us the third night he decided to leave the old radio alone, but that at eleven thirty, it suddenly snapped on all on its own, blaring its curious sounds loud enough to wake him from a sound sleep.
He rushed into the room and quickly turned off the radio, or at least tried to. It kept blaring those harsh tones, even when Kingsbury unplugged the radio from the wall. He said it continued for half an hour, and there was nothing he could do but listen to the terrifying whispers.
At the stroke of midnight, he said a voice from the radio whispered his full name, Derrick Mason Kingsbury, Jr, then went silent and dark. It never played another sound.
Kingsbury said the next morning three men in dark suits showed up at his home unannounced just before 7 AM. They told him they heard about his encounter with the radio and asked to see it. After a largely sleepless night, Kingsbury said he was frazzled and unsure of what to do, so he let the men in, noting that each of them had different scars around the visible parts of their skin. One man had one along the part of his hair, going down through an eyebrow before getting lost behind his mirrored aviator sunglasses. Another had one going all the way around his neck.
As they walked into the room where the radio was stored, one of the agents spoke with Kingsbury about where he had purchased the radio, how he had paid for it, if he had modified it at all, and anything else the radio might have said to him. He refused to answer any questions Kingsbury had, but kept barking his own in short, clipped sentences.
Meanwhile the other two Meat Suit Men took out a small toolkit and began disassembling the antique radio. When Kingsbury tried to protest, the one interviewing him placed a hand on his chest and shoved him gently backwards. Kingsbury watched as the two men took the radio apart and removed something from inside of it. Kingsbury couldn’t see what it was, but one of the agents pulled it free carefully using a pair of tweezers then placed it inside what looked like a glass baby food jar he had removed from his pocket.
When they were done, the third Meat Suit Men handed Kingsbury a vial of black liquid and ordered him to drink it. Kingsbury thought he was going to die, that the black liquid was poison, but he did as the Meat Suit Man ordered. Then the agent told him not to leave his house for two days, and that on the evening of the second day, an agent would come and visit him and check for any symptoms. Of what, the Meat Suit Man wouldn’t elaborate. Then they packed up, climbed back into their white sedan, and were gone.
Here’s where things get really interesting, however. Kingsbury says he didn’t leave his house, just like the men in black told him to, and on the second night, just as the sun had completely set, there were three sharp knocks on his door. He opened it and saw a new Meat Suit Man waiting on his doorstep, but this time, Kingsbury claimed, they had screwed up.
“The man on my porch had my father’s face,” Kingsbury told us over Zoom. “He had on the glasses, like the others, but I’d know my own dad anywhere, right? I’m one hundred percent sure it was my dad, except there was a huge scar running across the forehead, down around one eye and cheek in a weird oval shape. It looked like those cartoon puppies with the different colored spots on their faces, but this was just a scar. Or a seam. But here’s the thing,” he said after a short pause. “My father’s been dead since 2002.”
Medical records indicate that Derrick Kingsbury, Sr, died of a heart attack on April 14, 2002. It was, by all accounts, a freak thing no one saw coming. He was buried in Evergreen Memorial Cemetery. We were able to find a record of his grave site online, and Kingsbury sent us a picture to confirm it.
Yet here was his father, wearing the black suit and glasses of the Meat Suit Man, standing on his porch.
“I knew it wasn’t my dad right away,” Kingsbury continued. “It couldn’t have been. And not just because he was…ya know…dead. We’re not what you’d call tall men,” he went on. “I’m five-seven and my dad was five six on a good day, if he was wearing his boots. But the man on the porch was over six feet tall.”
The differences didn’t end there, however. Kingsbury claimed the man was stouter than his father had been. Not overweight, but solid, thick. He greeted Kingsbury with a curt hello, and the voice was nowhere the same as his deceased father’s had been. The Meat Suit Man moved with a heavy gait, his footsteps echoing on the wooden floor of the hallway.
“It wasn’t my dad,” Kingsbury said. “But it was wearing his face.”
Kingsbury almost said something, but had a sudden burst of insight. If he mentioned something, showed any sort of recognition, he had a feeling the encounter was going to go very differently. Instead, he bit his tongue, figuratively and also quite literally, and let the man in. The meat Suit Man performed some sort of inspection of Kingsbury, asked him several confusing, and seemingly random questions, then deemed him safe, and promptly left.
Derrick Kingsbury has never seen them again. He thinks whoever is in charge of the mysterious group messed up that night two and a half years ago. He believes whoever these agents are, they’re wearing the skin of the dead. His best guess is that under ordinary circumstances that particular man should never have interacted with him. Something must have distracted them or somebody made a clerical error, and somehow the face of his dead father arrived on his doorstep.
MEGAN: Listen, ever since we first brought up these guys last year, I’ve been fascinated. I may not be a huge paranormal buff, but I love conspiracy theories. JFK, the Denver International Airport, chemtrails - I’m all in. So when Lucas first told me about the Meat Suit Men, I was hooked. Coming face to face with them was…it was weird. They talked like robots. Like old tv show robots. The stilted voices, the strange pauses. You could almost hear the mechanisms whirring inside, trying to come up with the right words. I looked them right in their eyes…or well…their sunglasses…and I know they’re not human. They can’t be. So…everyone at MM has their thing, right? Like Lucas is really into cult stuff, or Chris is all about magic and ancient mysteries. Well, I’ve decided the Meat Suit Men are going to be my thing. I’m going to do a deep dive into them and see what I can find out. I’m pulling out all the stops, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this mystery. Even if it means they come and talk with me again.
Thanks, Megan. For the foreseeable future at least, it seems like the Meat Suit Men are going to be a part of our lives. Their interest in Mark is seemingly connected to his encounter with the Mother Witch, but their end goal is still nebulous.
If you’ve had an encounter with the Meat Suit Men, whether here in Maine or to our listeners from outside the state, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We want to hear from you. They’re not going away, it seems, but neither are we.
Until next time.
Stay safe out there, Maine.
This has been a Malevolent Maine production. To keep up to date with this and all of our shows go to malevolentmaine.com. Make sure you follow us on all major social media platforms. Please like, follow, and review our show wherever you listen. We appreciate you sharing our show with your family, friends, and followers. If you have a story of a paranormal encounter in Maine, please reach out to us. We believe you.